March 14, 2025

Words Have Power: Choice is yours


Words have power..yes if we just talk about “Word”.. It may be a very small word, but it has the power to connect us to others and to ourselves. Yes, really, our words have a huge impact. For example, if we speak positive, our mind will think positive; if we speak negative, our mind will think negative. And when we convince ourselves about something, our mind and body follow it.

Let’s take a simple example. If I talk to someone with attitude or anger for just 2 minutes, and maybe nothing happens as a result, but in those 2 minutes, I am displaying myself and my upbringing. Our speech is not just words; it defines a lot about us.

You must have often felt that if you are having a bad day, but at that moment you talk to someone, you feel good. So, words have the power to calm us down. Whether we are giving confidence to someone, putting someone down, or making someone understand something, our importance does not matter much; It is all about the play of words.

There are so many people around us who inspire others and call themselves motivators, who give confidence and call themselves supporters. But why can’t we speak two nice words to someone and call ourselves kind? Is being kind a problem in today’s world, or people simply don’t understand its value?

Someone said that what we give is what we get back, and who can know this better than people like us? For example, we work and get salary; we give money and get food; almost everything depends on the concept of give and take. If we become a little kind or speak nice words to someone, maybe something good will happen to us. This concept of give and take applies here as well.

We all worship some deity, and it depends on our faith, but have you ever thought that to reach our prayers to God we also use nice words to form a prayer line? Likewise, every good word that comes out of our mouth can be a way to reach God.

Now, you may ask, “What can we do to have good words?” They just come out according to the situation. But if we think about it, it’s not just situations that influence our words, our normal speech is often quite negative. We talk negatively most of the time, like when a child is about to take a test, he may think, “I hope I don’t fail.” Or when adults are going to work, they may think “I hope today won’t be a bad day.” Both of these situations are negative.

But maybe if we change our thoughts… Instead, if the child says, “I hope I pass” and the adult says, “I hope today will be a good day,” you will notice a significant difference. There is a lot more positivity in these two new sentences than in the old ones.

And maybe we have developed a habit of thinking negatively because of the things around us, but the truth is that positive thinking helps to clear the mind, and now we know that words have power and when the words are positive, everything will also be good. We may not achieve much, but this change is necessary for us.

Also Read: Self confidence


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