You must have seen farming of grains and vegetables but in China, snake farming also takes place. China is quite famous for its various activities and one of them is this snake farming. However, it is very difficult to pinpoint the exact locations where this farming happens but the most famous place is Zisiqiao Village, which is known as Snake Village and it is said that there is the highest amount of snake farming and related product-making activities there.
History of snake farming in china:
Snake farming is not new in China, it has been practiced since around 1980 in Chinese villages and the main benefit was for producing food and medicine. In Chinese culture, snakes are considered creatures associated with knowledge, wisdom, mystery and transformation.
According to records, over 3 million snakes are farmed in China each year. A total of 240 species of snakes are farmed, including 69 venomous and 171 non-venomous species. While venomous snakes are avoided in some places, the most important snakes in this farming include the Chinese Cobra, King Cobra, Oriental Rat Snake and Python.
Uses of snake farming:
Medicines: China uses snakes not only in food but also in medicine such as for making antidotes, pain relief, and health tonics. They are also used in the treatment of diseases like arthritis, heart diseases and high blood pressure.
Wine: Snake wine is another popular product where a snake is absorbed in alcohol. Some people consume this drink to improve their health and boost their energy. Although risky, China considers it important.
Food: It is used to make special dishes in Chinese restaurants such as snake soup and grilled snake. This meat is considered highly nutritious, and some people eat it for health benefits like better circulation and boosted metabolism.
These are the three main uses, but snakes in China are also widely used in fashion, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.
Export of snake products:
China not only uses these products domestically but also exports them. Under the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) China exports products made from some snakes.
These products are exported globally to markets in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa and likely to many other countries as well. According to reports, China generates over 12 million dollars annually from snake farming.
International Effect:
There has been a lot of discussion at the international level about China’s snake farming focusing on ethical issues, animal welfare concerns and environmental impact.
Some major issues include:
Animal Welfare Issues: A common concern in snake farming is keeping snakes in small cages and under harsh conditions. The process of snake venom extraction also causes significant pain to the snakes. This process can physically traumatize them, which is considered animal cruelty.
Illegal Wildlife Trade: The illegal and unregulated trade of snakes has become a major issue. Some snake farms in China illegally breed rare species and sell their products.
Disease Transmission: Keeping snakes in crowded conditions in farms can make them subjected to diseases and infections.
Pandemics (COVID-19): During the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s wildlife farming industry was linked to a health crisis. The concern arose because some early reports suggested that wildlife (including snakes) could have been sources of COVID-19.
So, up until now there have been only questions raised about snake farming, but China is steadily growing this business and generating a significant profit.