As a human being, we may have so many skills, like someone is good in sports, someone in cooking, someone in education and someone in presentation. So one such skill is self-confidence and perhaps this skill is found in only a few people, among all humans or I would say only a few people know this skill and it makes us very different. Different from others, if we have it.
What is self-confidence?
It is a skill, an art, a belief in yourself to do something. It does not matter who you are, where you are from, what you do, but if you want to do something then it is very important to have self-confidence along with knowledge.
Should self-confidence be used all the time?
No.. it is not necessary that we do things in the name of self-confidence all the time. Like now understand, if someone tells you “Jump from a moving train” and you say “Yes, I have self-confidence, I can jump”, then will you achieve anything in this way? Absolutely not. There is a lot of difference between the terms “confidence to do anything” and “confidence to do something”. So we should understand that we should not do anything without thinking, it can also harm us.
Where will the confidence come from?
By repetition.. the confidence that comes in us by doing something repeatedly, there is no substitute for it. After that we become more expert in that particular work and our expertise gives us the confidence to do that work. If I give an example, Jeff Bezos, who is the chairman of Amazon, faced a lot of difficulties while creating a company like Amazon, he also suffered losses, but he had this belief that “yes, I can do it” and after trying again and again, today he has created history.
You may not get results by doing it once or twice, you may not get results even by doing it 7-8 times, but who knows it may happen the 10th time and at that time only one thing will come to your mind “yes, I did it”. And that is your belief in yourself. If something is in your hands, don’t accept “no” till the last moment.
To build a good self-confidence, first of all, control your thoughts. Before doing any work, there should be only one question in your mind and that is “Can I do it?” and the answer should be only “yes” and start working immediately so that you don’t get time to think about other questions.
If we talk about college/school children, when a teacher asks a question, at that time only negative thoughts come to our mind like “Please God, don’t ask me, I don’t know, I won’t be able to answer”, but then they ask you and then your confidence decreases because you are not able to answer. But we should not give up on this, rather we should study that question and know the answer, which will increase our confidence and next time if the teacher asks you a question, and even if you don’t know, you will be able to say proudly “I can answer this question tomorrow, if not today” because you have the confidence that you will find out the answer of that question, just like you did the previous one.
So from these things, you might have understood what confidence actually is and how it can come, and we also need to make daily efforts to build it.
Also Read: How to communicate with anyone
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