how to learn or memorise anything.?
This article will be read by only two types of people:
- Those whose memory power or ability to memorize is weak.
- Those who have a good memory but are still reading this article to improve it.
And to the people in the second category you should be praised. You have learned a great formula quickly. Yes, when it comes to memory, the first question comes to mind is that how to learn or memorise anything.? the most important thing is consumption. Now you might ask, “What is consumption?” It means grabbing everything you can, no matter what it is. Understand it, read it, write it, analyze it, and by doing so, you are treating your brain in a good way.
If you don’t understand something, it’s okay. If you don’t understand anything, that’s fine too, but stay passionate about the fact that you want to know. The day passion awakens inside you, no one can stop your memory from becoming sharp.
Being consistent in something without knowing what the result will be will bring you the best results. Now, this doesn’t mean we just need to take inputs without getting any output. We all have access to great resources for everything nowadays, but maybe these resources are becoming a problem for us. Sounds strange, right? Let me explain.
If someone is reading a book but is multitasking at the same time, then definitely their full focus is not on reading. They might be using their phone, browsing social sites, or talking to someone. Can they still read effectively? And can they remember what they read? No, never.
Now you must understand how much FOCUS plays a role in sharpening our memory. As soon as you multitask, you break your momentum, and the quality input you’re getting also suffers a gap, so you don’t get the full benefit of that quality input.
The second thing is reflection. Yes, after doing anything, take a small break and think about how you can use it. How can you utilize it in a good way? Every quality input has an output you just need to think about it and act on it.
After thinking about utilization, the next step is implementation. Yes, an easy way is to write down whatever you’ve read and understood. When you write down something you process it better and when you write about a problem or topic, you solve about 50% of it by simply writing it.
After we read something, we understand it, and we tend to remember everything for a while. But the next day, you might forget what you learned and that’s called an illusion—an illusion that gives you temporary confidence, but nothing more.
So, memory sharpening doesn’t really exist. You just need to learn three things: FOCUS, REFLECTION, and IMPLEMENTATION. Without these nothing is possible. All the billionaires you’ve seen today are masters in their fields and this mastery didn’t come from just time or investment it came from FOCUS, REFLECTION, and IMPLEMENTATION.
So, in this way by learning these small things, we can make ourselves better, and we should all do this to achieve good results.
Also Read: How to change yourself
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