1. Your Boss is Not Your Friend
First of all, understand this if something goes wrong, your boss will replace you with someone else. It doesn’t matter what your value is or how good your work was when the time comes, your friendly boss will be the one to ask you to leave. So stop trying to entertain your boss by being friendly and behave professionally.
2. Trust
In the office, everyone is ready to move ahead and the person we consider a good colleague might take advantage of something you shared and create problems for you. So, keep all secrets to yourself in the workplace and share them only when necessary.
3. Your Work
There are two types of employees in the office: those who genuinely work and those who just pretend to work. We need to learn from both and move into a third category, which is working and pretending. For example, once the work is done, you shouldn’t relax but instead, show that we are still working. In the end, no one will notice your work, but they will notice how involved you are in it.
4. Not Getting New Work?
If you’re removed from a task or not assigned any good work, don’t be upset. It doesn’t mean you’re not capable. Instead, you should take this positively and think that it’s better to avoid office politics and look for a better opportunity elsewhere.
5. Your Personal Life
Even your closest office colleague will not be able to enjoy your good life with the same happiness as you. It’s better not to bring your good life into the office. No one will be happy about your success or happiness except your family.
6. Your Likes and Dislikes
Sometimes, the people or work in the office may not be to our liking, but remember we are paid for the work, so our focus should only be on the money. Anything else that disturbs our mind should not be given attention.
7. Body Language
In the office, you will meet people whose words are very sweet but behind your back they talk badly. We should especially observe the body language of such people.
8. Office Star
In every office, there is someone who is truly skilled. Spend time with them and learn as much as you can. There’s no harm in learning from them. We are gaining knowledge and it’s not about feeling inferior.
9. Our Involvement
Many employees start gossiping as soon as the work is done or even during work. We should avoid this as much as possible. If you also do this, you will definitely become the topic of gossip in your absence.